Why can't we all just get along?
Love [luhv] (v.):
1. to have love or affection for.
2. to have a profoundly tender, passionate affection for (another person).
3. to have a strong liking for; take great pleasure in.
4. to need or require; benefit greatly from.
There are no problems that are too big to solve with gentle words, a hug, and a pat on the back. When did we outgrow this simple mindset? I've been watching some news and checking my Facebook page lately and I am seeing that acceptance is hard to find any more. (Acceptance--not to be confused with tolerance--you can accept someone while not tolerating their beliefs or actions. It's a tricky balance, but I am fairly certain it can be found.)
I see a lot of hate out there towards conservatives and liberals alike. I've seen, so often lately, "I can't believe democrats/liberals/republicans/conservatives believe this!" or "What kind of an idiot do you have to be to think that?" Well, when I see those things, it means me. The author of such words may not be thinking of me directly when they compose their thoughts to share with the world, but when I read them, I insert my name into the sentence. And sometimes it hurts.
If you knew how many responses I have written in my head to respond to the vitriol I see, you would be shocked. (Well, some of you would be!) But I don't write it. I don't respond. I bite my tongue and tell myself that it's water off a ducks back. Then I choose to believe it. The two year old in me, however, wants to say to these authors "Do you realize that I think you are just as big of an idiot for your beliefs that you think I am for mine?" But I don't. Until now.
I wish we could all be more like kids. Not those mean kids who are bullies and hateful--we seem to have that down pat, but those beautiful kids who have pure hearts and innocent minds. Those kids. Those kids rarely put themselves down. They choose to believe the best about their world within and the world outside. If they can do it, why can't we? Why can't we believe the best about our own world and the world we live in and those who live in that world? Why do we have to divide ourselves into 2 groups? Why can't we be the loved and the loving instead of the self-righteous and the impure? Or the right and the wrong? Where are the words to heal the hurts that have been inflicted?
Anymore, the power of words needs to be followed by the power of action. Instead of getting frustrated and speaking out words that tear down, why can't we agree to disagree, in love? Why does it matter what your political, religious or social beliefs are? That doesn't change the fact that you are a person of value. You deserve more than being called an idiot, stupid or ignorant. That phrase "Sticks and stones my break my bones but words can never hurt me" is a lie. Words hurt an awful lot.
A gentle word, a hug and a pat on the back... Can you think of a better solution for those word wounds?
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